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M&A Advisory

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Blogs M-and-A 46
Blogs M-and-A 45
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The matter

Aston Chace was engaged to advise vendors of an online computer retail and technology business during the process of being acquired by an ASX-listed company. Aston Chace provided advisory and transactional services to assist the vendors.

The solution

Aston Chace assessed the initial offer and conducted a market analysis against comparable offers and developed a deal financial model showing the strength of forecast earnings and EBITDA normalisations to support negotiations on purchase price.

The outcome

Aston Chace established the data room, fielded due diligence enquiries, and negotiated the deal structure, including more favourable earn out provisions and increased cash versus scrip for the purchase consideration. Term sheets, share sale agreements and post-employment agreements were also managed by Aston Chace Group.

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